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2019年 09月 28日

Gosho 原殿御返事 Reply to the Lord Hara


The reply to the Lord Hara.

正応元年十二月十六日 日興上人 四十三歳御作

December 16, 1288. Nikko Shonin, 43 years old.

Gosho 原殿御返事 Reply to the Lord Hara_f0301354_12463144.jpg

           身延山 Mount Minobu.


When I left down the road of Mt. Minobu, I was filled with shamefulness and disappointment, but when I think in an opposite meaning, it is a top priority to inherit the saint's doctrine and establish it to this world wherever I am.


I thought so, but all the disciples had turned against their teacher.


However, I, Nikko, will never forget my original determination because I think Nikko is the only person who is suitable for the person who maintains the rightness of his teacher and attains teacher's cherished object.


Besides, I am glad that all of you know justice.


If all of you often see me, I believe that the Lord Nyudo, Hakiri Sanenaga, will not become immoral.

To be continued

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by johsei1129 | 2019-09-28 12:49 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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