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2019年 09月 22日

Gosho 聖人御難事 On Persecution Befalling the Saint


Urge on, but do not frighten, the ones from Atsuhara who are ignorant of Buddhism.

About the ones in Atsuhara who are ignorant, say and encourage, do not threaten.


Tell them to be prepared for the worst, and not to expect good times, but take the bad times for granted.

Tell them to decide themselves, and think good things mysterious, and receive the bad matters for granted.


If they complain of hunger, tell them about the sufferings of the world of hungry spirits. If they grumble that they are cold, tell them of the eight cold hells.

If they complain of hunger, tell them about the sufferings of the hungry world. If they grumble that they are cold, tell them of the eight cold hells.


If they say they are frightened, explain to them that a pheasant sighted by a hawk, or a mouse stalked by a cat, is as desperate as they are.

If they say they are frightened, explain to them that a pheasant which is aimed by a hawk, or a mouse stalked by a cat, is not other people's affairs.


I have been repeating these things in detail day after day, month after month, year after year. Yet with the lay nun of Nagoe, Shō-bō, Noto-bō, Sammi-bō, and the like, who are cowardly, unreasoning, greedy, and doubting, my words have no more effect than pouring water on lacquer ware or slicing through air.

I have been repeating these things day after day, month after month, year after year. Yet with nun Nagoe, Shobo, Notobo, and Sanmibo were cowardly and did not remember, greedy, and doubting it. My words had no effect to them as like pouring water on lacquer ware or slicing off air! This is a reason to write in detail in this way.

To be continued

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by johsei1129 | 2019-09-22 23:35 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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