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2019年 06月 02日

Abridged translations. Writings of Nichiren Daishonin. PART 3. 抄訳御書 三

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Abridged translations. Writings of Nichiren Daishonin. PART 3. 抄訳御書 三_f0301354_22322805.png

阿仏房御書(宝塔御書) On the Treasure Tower 1275

阿仏房尼御前御返事 The Embankaments of faith 1275

千日尼御前御返事 The Spirit of Faith 1278

千日尼御返事 Reply to Nun Sen'nichi 1280

一谷入道女房御書 Letter to the Wife of Ichinosawa nyūdō 1275

中興入道御消息 Letter to the Lay Priest Nakaoki 1279

生死一大事血脈抄 The Ultimate Law of Life and Death 1272

草木成仏口決 The Oral Tradition regarding the Enlightenmentof Plants 1272

最蓮房御返事 A Reply to Sairen-bo 1272

祈 祷 抄 On Prayer 1272

最蓮房御返事(祈祷経送状)Letter Sent with the Prayer Sutra 1273

諸法実相抄 The True Aspect of All Phenomena 1273

十八円満抄 On the Eighteen Perfect Doctrines 1280

南部六郎殿御書 On the Nation's Slander of the Law 1271

南部六郎三郎殿(波木井三郎殿)御返事 Reply to Nambu Rokurō Saburō 1273

松野殿御返事(十四誹謗抄)The Fourteen Slanders 1276

松野殿御返事 Letter to the Lord Matsuno 1278

六難九易抄((妙法尼御前御返事) On the Six Difficult and Nine Easy Acts1278

妙法尼御前御返事 The Importance of the Moment of Death 1278

妙法比丘尼御返事 A Reply to Myohō bikuni 1278

内房女房御返事 White Horses and White Swans 1280

盂蘭盆御書 On Offerings for Deceased Ancestors 1279

新池殿御消息 The Teaching That Accords with the Buddha’s Mind 1279

書 Letter to Ni'ike 1280

船守弥三郎許御書 The Izu Exile 1279

同一鹹味御書 TheUniversal Salty Taste 1279

椎地四郎殿御書 A Ship to Cross the Sea of Suffering 1281

聖人等御返事 A Reply to the Saints. 1279.

高橋入道殿御返事 Letter to the lay priestTakahasih

異体同心事 Having a Same Mind even if Different 1279

御書 On Properties of Rice 1278

三三蔵祈雨事 Three Tripitaka masters Pray for Rain 1275

蒙古使御書 About Messenger of Mongolia 1275

妙心尼御前御返事(病之良薬御書)Good Medicine forAll Ills 1275

窪尼御前御返事 Letter to Nun Kuboama 1280

三沢抄 Letter to Misawa 1278

書 New Year's Gosho 1281

南条兵衛七郎御殿書 The Votary of the Lotus Sutra 1264

薬王品得意抄 The Glory of the Medicine King Chapter 1265

上野殿後家尼御返事 Reply to the Widow of Ueno 1265

春之祝御書 In Celebration of Spring 1265

上野殿御返事(造営書・全) The Merit of Offering(Full)1275

南条殿御返事 (白麦御書・全)On Polished Wheat(Full)1275

上野殿御消息 Four Virtues and Four Debts of Gratitude 1275

単衣抄 Regarding an Unlined Robe 1275

神国王御書 Rulers of the Land of the Gods 1278

上野殿御返事 (梵釈御計事) The Workings Brahma and Shakra 1277

上野殿御返事(法要書・全) The Teaching for the Lattter Day (Full)1278

上野殿御返事 (蹲鴟御書・全) The Two Kinds of Faith (Full)1278

上野殿御返事(雪中供養御書)Offerings of the SnowySeason 1279

上野殿御返事 (杖木書・全) Persecution by Swords and Staves(Full)1279

上野殿御返事(竜門御書・全) The Dragon Gate (Full)1279

上野殿御返事(適時弘法事)The Propagation that Adapts to the Times.1279.

上野殿御返事(孝不孝御書・全) On Filial and Unfilial Conduct (Full)1280

上野殿御返事(熱原外護事・全) Protecting the Atsuhara Believers(Full) 1280

上野殿御返事(子宝書・全) Children are Treasures(Fulll) 1280

上野殿御返事(須達長者事・全)The Welathy Man Sdatta(Full) 1280

南条殿御返事(南条抄・全)The Person and the Law (Full) 1281

上野尼御前御返事(烏竜遺竜事・全)Wu-lung and I-lung(Full)1281

上野殿御返事(春初御消息・全)Letter of Early Spring(Full)1282

法華証明抄 (全) The Proof of the Lotus Sutra(Full)1282

白米一俵御書 The Gift of Rice 1280

戒体即身成仏義 The Significance of Attaining Enlightenmentin one's Present Form through Rceiving the True Entity of the Precept

秀句十勝抄 Ten Superior Doctrines Described in theOutstanding Principles of the Lotus Sutra 1278

日住禅門御返事 Reply to Nichiju zemmon 1280

蒙古事 About the Mongolia 1280

日蓮一期弘法付嘱書  Document for Entrusting the Law 1282

身延山付嘱書  Document that Inherits Mt. Minobu. 1282.

原殿御返事 Reply to the Lord Hara. 1288.

興師筆曼荼羅脇書 Side Note of the Mandala by Rev. Nikko. 1308

富士一跡門徒御存知事 The Known Facts of Believersin Fuji Sect 1309

佐渡國法華講衆御返事 Reply to the HokkekoBelievers on Sado Island 1323

五人所破抄 On Refuting the Five Priests 1328

日興跡条々の事 Articles to be Observed afterthe Passing of Nikko 1332

日興遺誡置文 The Last Religious Precepts of Nikko 1333

寿量品談義 Discussion of Life Span Chapter1719

文底秘沈抄 The Meaning Hidden in the Depth1725

依義判文抄 Writings which UnderstandsaSentence from a Meaning.1725

末法相応抄 Politic Practices in the LatterDays of Law 1725

当流行事抄 The Practice of this School 1725

当家三衣抄 The Three Robes of Our Sect 1725

撰時抄愚記 Explanatory Note of the 'Selection of Times'. 1715

by johsei1129 | 2019-06-02 19:31 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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