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2019年 04月 18日

Gosho 兵衛志殿御返事 四 The Three Obstacles and Four Devils


Your father, Saemon no Tayū, now seems to have become an enemy of the Lotus Sutra, yet your brother, Uemon no Tayū Sakan, will now become one of its votaries.

Your father, Saemonno Tayu, now seems to have become an enemy of the Lotus Sutra, yet your elder brother, Uemonno Tayu Sakan,will become one of the votary of the Lotus Sutra this time.


You, who think only of immediate affairs, will obey your father, and deluded people will therefore praise you for your filial devotion.

You will think only of what is before you and will obey your father, and delirious people will praise your filial devotion.


Munemori obeyed his father’s tyrannous commands and was finally beheaded at Shinohara. Shigemori disobeyed his father and preceded him in death. Who was truly the filial son?

The samurai Munemori obeyed his father's tyrannous commands and was beheaded at Shinohara. Shigemori disobeyed his father and passed away earlier than father. Which one of these is a filial devotion?


If you obey your father who is an enemy of the Lotus Sutra and abandon your brother who is a votary of the one vehicle, are you then being filial?

If you obey your father who is an enemy of the Lotus Sutra and abandon your elder brother who is a votary of the sole teachings, does it become the filial devotion?

つづく Continued

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by johsei1129 | 2019-04-18 06:58 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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