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2019年 02月 27日

Gosho 四条金吾殿御返事(煩悩即菩提御書)Worldly Desires are namely Buddhahood


Earthly Desires Are Enlightenment

orldly desires are namely Buddhahood

文永九年五月二日 五十一歳御作

The second day of May 1272. Fifty-one years old.


Carry through with your faith in the Lotus Sutra.

Persevere in faiths of the Lotus Sutra.


You cannot strike fire from flint if you stop halfway.

You cannot take a fire from flint if you stop it halfway.


Bring forth the great power of faith, and be spoken of by all the people of Kamakura, both high and low, or by all the people of Japan, as “Shijō Kingo, Shijō Kingo of the Lotus school!”.

Bring forth the strong power of faiths, and be called so by all of the people in Kamakura or by all the people of Japan, as “Shijo Kingo, Shijo Kingo of the Lotus sect!”.


Even a bad reputation will spread far and wide. A good reputation will spread even farther, particularly if it is a reputation for devotion to the Lotus Sutra.

Even a bad reputation will spread far and wide. Particularly if it is a reputation for devotion to the Lotus Sutra, it will spread farther!


Explain all this to your wife too, and work together like the sun and moon, a pair of eyes, or the two wings of a bird.

Explain all this to your wife too, and harmonize together like the sun and moon, a pair of eyes, or the two wings of a bird.


With the sun and moon, could there be a path of darkness?

Under the sun and moon, would there be a path of hell?


With a pair of eyes, no doubt you will see the faces of Shakyamuni, Many Treasures, and the Buddhas of the ten directions.

With a pair of eyes, no doubt you will see the feature of Shakyamuni, Taho Buddha, and ten direction's Buddha.


With a pair of wings, you will surely fly in an instant to the treasure land of Tranquil Light.

With a pair of wings, you will surely fly to the land of treasure surrounded by tranquil light in an instant.


I will write in more detail on another occasion.  With my deep respect.

I will write it in detail on another occasion.  Very truly yours.

五月二日  日蓮花押(かおう)

The second day of the fifth month.  Nichiren.

The second day of May.  Nichiren.

Gosho 四条金吾殿御返事(煩悩即菩提御書)Worldly Desires are namely Buddhahood_f0301354_13254138.jpg

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by johsei1129 | 2019-02-27 06:44 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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