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2019年 01月 29日

Gosho 種種御振舞御書 The Acts of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra


There I ordered sake for the soldiers.

There I ordered a liquor and gave to the soldiers.


When the time came for them to leave, some bowed their heads, joined their palms, and said in a most respectful manner: “We did not realize what kind of a man you are. We hated you because we had been told that you slandered Amida Buddha, the one we worship. But now that we have seen with our own eyes what has happened to you, we understand how worthy a person you are, and will discard the Nembutsu that we have practiced for so long”. Some of them even took their prayer beads out of their tinder bags and flung them away.

When the time came for them to leave, some bowed their heads, joined their palms, and said politely: “We did not realize what kind of a man you are. We detested you because we had been told that you slandered Amida Buddha we worship. But now that we have seen with our own eyes what has happened to you, we understood how worthy a person you are, and we will discard the Nembutsu that we have done for so long”. Some of them took their prayer beads out of their tinder bags and abandoned these.


Others pledged that they would never again chant the Nembutsu.

Others pledged that they would never again chant the Nembutsu from now on.


After they left, Rokurō Saemon’s retainers took over the guard.

After they left, Rokuro Saemon's vassals took over the guard.


Then Saemon-no-jō and his brothers took their leave.

Then Shijo Kingo either returned.

つづく Continued

本文 Original Text 目次 Table of Contents

by johsei1129 | 2019-01-29 06:52 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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