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2019年 01月 28日

Gosho 種種御振舞御書 The Acts of the Votary of the Lotus Sutra


They waited a short while, and then I was told to proceed to Echi in the same province of Sagami.

I waited for long, and then I was told to proceed to the place called Echi of Sagami.


I replied that, since none of us knew the way, someone would have to guide us there. No one was willing to take the lead, but after we had waited for some time, one soldier finally said, “That’s the road you should take”.

Though someone would have to guide us to there, none of us knew that road. However, after we had waited for some time, one soldier said, “Here's the road you should go”.


Setting off, we followed the road and around noon reached Echi. We then proceeded to the residence of Homma Rokurō Saemon.

Setting off, we followed the road and around noon reached Echi. We then entered to the residence of Homma Rokuro Saemon.

つづく Continued

本文 Original Text 目次 Table of Contents

by johsei1129 | 2019-01-28 06:51 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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