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2019年 01月 27日

Gosho 佐渡御書 Letter from Sado


Aside from these people, there are also those who appeared to believe in me, but began doubting when they saw me persecuted. They not only have forsaken the Lotus Sutra, but also actually think themselves wise enough to instruct me. The pitiful thing is that these perverse people must suffer in the Avīchi hell even longer than the Nembutsu believers.

I shall proceed to the main issue. There were also those who appeared to believe Nichiren, but when they saw Nichiren persecuted, they held suspicion. They not only have forsaken the Lotus Sutra, but also contrarily think wise enough to teach Nichiren. The pitiful thing is that these perverse people must suffer in the Avichi hell longer than the Nembutsu believers.


An asura contended that the Buddha taught only eighteen elements, but that he himself expounded nineteen. The non-Buddhist teachers claimed that the Buddha offered only one way to enlightenment, but that they had ninety-five.

For example, an asura contended that the Buddha taught only eighteen worlds, but that he himself expounded nineteen worlds of more. And the people of non-Buddhist claimed that the Buddha offered only one ultimate way, but that they offered ninety-five ultimate way.


In the same way, the renegade disciples say, “Though the priest Nichiren is our teacher, he is too forceful. We will spread the Lotus Sutra in a more peaceful way.”

In the same way, the renegade disciples say, “Though the priest Nichiren is our teacher, he is too obstinate. We will spread the Lotus Sutra softly.”


In so asserting, they are being as ridiculous as fireflies laughing at the sun and moon, an anthill belittling Mount Hua, wells and brooks despising the river and the ocean, or a magpie mocking a phoenix. 

They are fireflies laughing at the sun and moon, or anthills trying to look down upon Mount Hua. Or they are wells and brooks despising the river and the ocean, and are magpies repeating mocking a grand phoenix!

つづく Continued

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by johsei1129 | 2019-01-27 08:26 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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