2019年 01月 27日
これはさてをきぬ。日蓮を信ずるやうなりし者どもが、日蓮がかくなれば疑ひををこして法華経をすつるのみならず、かへりて日蓮を教訓して我賢しと思わん僻人等が、念仏者よりも久しく阿鼻地獄にあらん事、不便とも申す計りなし。 Aside from these people, there are also those who appeared to believe in me, but began doubting when they saw me persecuted. They not only have forsaken the Lotus Sutra, but also actually think themselves wise enough to instruct me. The pitiful thing is that these perverse people must suffer in the Avīchi hell even longer than the Nembutsu believers. I shall proceed to the main issue. There were also those who appeared to believe Nichiren, but when they saw Nichiren persecuted, they held suspicion. They not only have forsaken the Lotus Sutra, but also contrarily think wise enough to teach Nichiren. The pitiful thing is that these perverse people must suffer in the Avichi hell longer than the Nembutsu believers. 修羅が仏は十八界、我は十九界と云ひ、外道が云はく仏は一究竟道、我は九十五究竟道と云ひしが如く、 An asura contended that the Buddha taught only eighteen elements, but that he himself expounded nineteen. The non-Buddhist teachers claimed that the Buddha offered only one way to enlightenment, but that they had ninety-five. For example, an asura contended that the Buddha taught only eighteen worlds, but that he himself expounded nineteen worlds of more. And the people of non-Buddhist claimed that the Buddha offered only one ultimate way, but that they offered ninety-five ultimate way. 日蓮御房は師匠にておわせども余りにこはし、我等はやはらかに法華経を弘むべしと云はんは、 In the same way, the renegade disciples say, “Though the priest Nichiren is our teacher, he is too forceful. We will spread the Lotus Sutra in a more peaceful way.” In the same way, the renegade disciples say, “Though the priest Nichiren is our teacher, he is too obstinate. We will spread the Lotus Sutra softly.” 蛍火が日月をわらひ、蟻塚が崋山を下し、井江が河海をあなづり、烏鵲が鸞鵬をわらふなるべし、わらふなるべし。 In so asserting, they are being as ridiculous as fireflies laughing at the sun and moon, an anthill belittling Mount Hua, wells and brooks despising the river and the ocean, or a magpie mocking a phoenix. They are fireflies laughing at the sun and moon, or anthills trying to look down upon Mount Hua. Or they are wells and brooks despising the river and the ocean, and are magpies repeating mocking a grand phoenix!
本文 Original Text 目次 Table of Contents
by johsei1129
| 2019-01-27 08:26
全体 御書 INDEX・略歴 WRITING OF NICHIREN 観心本尊抄(御書五大部) 開目抄(御書五大部) 撰時抄(御書五大部) 報恩抄(御書五大部) 立正安国論(御書五大部) 御書十大部(五大部除く) 日蓮正宗総本山大石寺 重要法門(十大部除く) 血脈・相伝・講義 短文御書修正版 御義口伝 日興上人 日寛上人 六巻抄 日寛上人 御書文段 小説 日蓮の生涯 上 小説 日蓮の生涯 中 小説 日蓮の生涯 下 LIFE OF NICHIREN 日蓮正宗関連リンク 南条時光(上野殿) 阿仏房・千日尼 曾谷入道 妙法比丘尼 大田乗明・尼御前 四条金吾・日眼女 富木常忍・尼御前 池上兄弟 弟子・信徒その他への消息 釈尊・鳩摩羅什・日蓮大聖人 日蓮正宗 宗門史 創価破析 草稿 富士宗学要集 法華経28品 並開結 重要御書修正版 検索
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