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2019年 01月 24日

Gosho 一昨日御書 六 Letter about the Day Before Yesterday


If I may presume to state my thoughts, unless one climbs Mount T’ai, one cannot know the height of the sky; unless one descends into the deep valleys, one cannot understand the depth of the earth.

If I may state my thoughts, unless climbs Mount T'ai, one cannot know the height of the sky; unless descends into the deep valleys, one cannot understand the thickness of the ground.


That you may understand my own intentions, I have submitted to you a copy of my work On Establishing the Correct Teaching.

That you may understand my own intentions, I submit to you the one scroll of 'the treatise of establishing the correct teachings for the safety of the nation'.


The ideas expressed therein are but one hair from the hides of nine oxen, and I have by no means fulfilled my humble aims.

The writing expressed therein are a drop in the ocean, I'm not giving it my all intention.

つづく Continued

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by johsei1129 | 2019-01-24 06:38 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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