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2019年 01月 23日

Gosho 一昨日御書 五 Letter about the Day Before Yesterday


A person who can foretell the future is known as a sage minister, the highest of the six upright ones. A person who propagates the Lotus Sutra is a votary of the Buddhas.

A person who can foretell the future is a sage minister having the six ability. A person who propagates the Lotus Sutra is an emissary of Buddha's incarnations.


And I make bold to declare that, opening the texts delivered on Eagle Peak and in the grove of sal trees, I have come to understand the intentions of the web-footed king, he who bore a knot of flesh. Furthermore, what I predicted with regard to the future has now for the most part been verified.

And I opened the texts of the Lotus Sutra and Nirvana Sutra and have understood the intentions of Buddha, furthermore, what I predicted with regard to the future has now for the most part been verified.


Although I may be no match for the wise men of past ages, among men of this latter age, my kind is rarely to be found.

Although I may not compare with the wise person of past times, among people of after ages, I am an uncommon human.


One who understands the Law and shows oneself concerned for the welfare of the nation should by rights be most warmly welcomed. Due, however, to the slanderous reports and petitions of those who espouse false doctrines and false teachings, though I have for long cherished sentiments of the utmost loyalty, I have not as yet been able to achieve my meager hopes.

The spirit to understand the Law and to worry about the nation should be most warmly welcomed. However, by the slander and false statement of those who espouse wicked doctrines and wicked teachings, though I have for long cherished sentiments of the utmost loyalty, I am yet not able to achieve my smallest hopes.


Moreover, as a result of the displeasure you manifested at our recent meeting, I am now most distressed to think that my aims may be all the more difficult to accomplish.

Moreover, as a result of the displeasure I developed at my recent visiting, I am now most distressed to think that its aims may be all the more difficult to accomplish.


つづく Continued

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by johsei1129 | 2019-01-23 06:54 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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