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2019年 01月 21日

Gosho 一昨日御書 三 Letter about the Day Before Yesterday


In our present age, all submit to the authority of the Kanto region and everyone honors the way of the region.

In our present days, all submit to the authority of the Shogunate and everyone gives high esteem to military virtues.


And since I myself was born in this land, how could I fail to be concerned for the fate of the nation?

And I myself was born in this land, why can I not worry about the fate of the country?


Therefore I wrote my work entitled On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace ofthe Land, and through the offices of the lay priest Yadoya, had it brought before the late lay priest of Saimyō-ji.

Therefore, I wrote 'The treatise of establishing the correct teachings for the safety of the nation', and I offered it to the lay priest Saimyoji of the deceased through the lay priest Yadoya.


In recent times the so-called dog barbarians have roiled the waves; barbarian foes are eyeing our nation.

In recent times, the barbarians of dog have raised a clamor, the foreign enemies have designs on our country.


The predictions that I made years ago have in recent days come true.

The predictions that I made years ago had come true recently.

つづく Continued

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by johsei1129 | 2019-01-21 07:14 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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