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2019年 01月 20日

Gosho 一昨日御書 二 Letter about the Day Before Yesterday


Ever since I, Nichiren, became a priest, I have studied the various doctrines of Buddhism. I have come to understand the true intention of the Buddhas, and from early in my studies have realized the great key to release from the sufferings of birth and death.

Ever since I became a priest, I have studied the various doctrines of Buddhism. I have already understood the true intention of Buddha's incarnations and have obtained the summary which I could release from the sufferings of birth and death.


That key is the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law.

That summary is very Myoho-renge-kyo. 


Reverence for this one vehicle teaching has brought prosperity to the three lands [of India, China, and Japan]. Who could doubt a fact that is so plain before the eyes?

Reverence for sole teachings has brought prosperity to the three countries [India,China, and Japan]. Who can doubt a fact that is so simple before the eyes?


And yet, because so many have turned their backs on the correct path and insist upon following the road of erroneous doctrines, the sages have abandoned the nation, the benevolent deities see the with anger, the seven disasters occur one after another, and the area within the four seas knows no peace.

And yet, because people have turned their backs on the correct path and followed the erroneous road, the sages have abandoned the nation, therefore, the gods of justice get angry, the seven disasters occur one after another and the four seas do not be calm.

つづく Continued

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by johsei1129 | 2019-01-20 08:05 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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