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2019年 01月 19日

Gosho 一昨日御書 Letter about the Day Before Yesterday


The Day before Yesterday

Letter about the day before yesterday

文永八年九月十二日 五十歳御作

September 12, 1271. Fifty years old.


I was very pleased to have an opportunity to meet with you the day before yesterday.

I was very pleased to have an opportunity to meet with you the day before yesterday.


Is there a person alive in the world today who does not wonder what his or her next existence will be like?

There are people alive in this world and there are no people who do not think of the next world among them?


The sole reason for the Buddha’s advent in this world was to bring salvation to living beings.

The reason for the Buddha's advent in this world was to devote himself to rescuing living beings.

つづく Continued

本文 Original Text  目次 Table of Contents

by johsei1129 | 2019-01-19 10:32 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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