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2018年 11月 30日

Gosho 金吾殿御返事(大師講御書)四 Letter to Lord Ota Kingo. 4.


I have been told that places like the temple on Mount Hiei are experiencing turmoil a hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million times greater than anything before.

I hear that the temple on Mount Hiei are experiencing turmoil greater than before anything.


But that is not all. There must be some profound reason for these things.

There may be deep reasons to have no time for it.


Because China and Koryŏ have already become adherents of the Zen school and the Nembutsu school, and the protective deities have departed, they have been conquered by the Mongols and forced to submit to them.

Because China and Korai have already become adherents of the Zen and the Nembutsu sect, the gods to protect them have left from there, then they have been conquered by the Mongols and forced to submit.                        


In our own nation as well, because these erroneous doctrines have spread and people make light of and disregard the Tendai Lotus school, the temple on Mount Hiei enjoys neither peace nor security. Because ours has become a nation where lay supporters turn against their teachers, it seems to me that it will, in all probability, be conquered.

In our nation as well, because these erroneous doctrines have spread and people make light of and disregard the Tendai Lotus sect, the temple on Mount Hiei can enjoy neither peace nor security. Because it has become a nation where lay supporters turn against their teachers, it seems to me that it will be conquered without doubt.               


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by johsei1129 | 2018-11-30 06:55 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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