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2018年 11月 29日

Gosho 金吾殿御返事(大師講御書)三 Letter to Lord Ota Kingo.3


Since what I have said is so outrageous, I know that one of two punishments, either exile or death, is absolutely certain, and hence I think it is strange that nothing has happened to me so far.

Since what I have said is so outrageous, I know that one of two punishments, either exile or death sentence, is absolutely certain, and hence I think it is strange that nothing has happened to me so far.


Perhaps that is because my assertions represent the ultimate principle.

The claim of Nichiren may be a best and ultimate reason.


And surely the sutra prediction of the calamity of revolt will also prove correct.

And surely the sutra prediction of the calamity of revolt either will prove correct.


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by johsei1129 | 2018-11-29 06:53 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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