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2018年 11月 28日

Gosho 金吾殿御返事(大師講御書)二 Letter to Lord Ota Kingo.2


Whether or not my teaching spreads will depend on the correctness or incorrectness of what I have predicted in my memorial.

This doctrine may spread or may not spread, but in the first place, it depends on the correctness or incorrectness of what I have predicted in my warning documents.


Though I wrote to a number of persons last year there were no replies, either positive or negative.

Though I wrote to a number of persons last year there were no replies either positive or even negative.


But when I wrote to them in the eleventh month of this year, some actually wrote back.

But when I wrote to them in November of this year, some wrote back.


For the most part, people’s attitudes have softened and it seems they think that perhaps what I have said may be true.

For the most part, people's attitudes have softened and it seems they thought that perhaps what I have said may be true.


Moreover, I think it is possible that the ruler may also have examined the matter.

Moreover, it is possible that the ruler also has read this writing.  


本文 Original Text  目次 Table of Contents

by johsei1129 | 2018-11-28 07:04 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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