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2018年 11月 23日

Gosho 問注得意抄 一 The Points to be Careful of in the Court 1


On a Disciple’s Attitude in Court

The Points to be Careful of in the Court

文永六年五月九日 四十八歳御作

May 9, 1269(48 years old)

Gosho 問注得意抄 一 The Points to be Careful of in the Court 1_f0301354_22265726.jpg


Nakayama Hokekyoji Temple possession (important cultural property)


I have received word that both sides in the case are to be summoned for questioning today.

I have received word that both sides are to be summoned for questioning today.


Since this seems to be what each of you has longed for, it must be as if you had encountered the udumbara flower, which blossoms and bears fruit only once every three thousand years.

Since this is what each of you has longed for, it will be as if you had encountered the udumbara flower which blossoms and bears fruit only once by three thousand years.


And your state of mind must be similar to that of Tung-fang Shuo, who obtained peaches from the garden of the Queen Mother of the West three times in nine thousand years.

And your mind will be similar to that of Tung-fang Shuo who obtained peaches from the garden of the Queen Mother of the West only three times in nine thousand years.


What other happiness can you experience in life that could compare to this?

What other happiness can you compare to this in life?

つづく Continued

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by johsei1129 | 2018-11-23 10:00 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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