2018年 11月 22日
京都市本圀寺所有 The possession of Honkokuji Temple in Kyoto. 去ぬる八月の比、愚札を進ぜしむるの後、今月に至るも是非に付け返報を給はらず、欝念散じ難し。 Around August, after having sent a letter to you, I am not receiving an answer about right or wrong to this month either, so I cannot clear the melancholy. 怱々の故に想亡せしむるか。軽略せらるゝの故に此の一行を慳むか。 As you are busy, are you forgetting it? Because you downplay this, do you not take an action? 本文に云はく「師子は少兎を蔑らず大象を畏れず」等云云。 The sutra says, ‘the lion is not afraid of a big elephant without making light of a small rabbit’. 若し又万一他国の兵この国を襲ふ事出来せば、知りて奏せざるの失、偏に貴辺に懸るべし。 The fault to know it, and not to report to a ruler falls on you entirely if the soldier of other countries attacked this country by any chance. 仏法を学ぶの法は身命を捨て国恩を報ぜんが為なり。 The reason to learn Law of Buddha is to abandon life, and to repay to the affection of the country. 全く自身の為に非ず。 It is not for the sake of myself at all. 本文に云はく「雨を見て竜を知り蓮を見て池を知る」等云云。 The sutra says, "You watch rain and understand the dragon, and watch a lotus and should understand the pond". 災難急を見る故に度々之を驚かす。 Because a crisis is sudden, I am surprising everybody many times. 用ひざるに而も之を諌む。強 (以下欠損) Though this is not used, I remonstrate, besides. Strong... [following sentences are missing.]
by johsei1129
| 2018-11-22 06:56
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