2018年 11月 20日
文永七年 四十九歳御作 1270 (Age: 49) 然るに日蓮は安房国東条片海の石中の賤民が子なり。威徳なく、有徳の者にあらず。 I, Nichiren, am the son of a humble family, born along the shore in Kataumi of Tōjō in the province of Awa, a person who has neither authority nor virtue. I, Nichiren, am the son of a disreputable family along the shore in Kataumi of Tojo in the country of Awa, and I am a person who has neither authority nor virtue. なにゝつけてか、南都北嶺のとゞめがたき天子虎牙の制止に叶はざる念仏をふせぐべきとは思へども、経文を亀鏡と定め、天台伝教の指南を手ににぎりて、建長五年より今年文永七年に至るまで、十七年が間是を責めたるに、日本国の念仏大体留まり了んぬ。 If the censures of the temples of Nara and Mount Hiei and the powerful prohibitions of emperors could not put a stop to the Nembutsu teachings, then I wondered what I could do. But, employing the passages of the sutras as my mirror and the teachings of T’ien-t’ai and Dengyō as my compass, I have attacked these teachings for the past seventeen years, from the fifth year of the Kenchō era (1253) to the present, the seventh year of the Bun’ei era (1270). And, as may be seen by the evidence before one’s eyes, the spread of the Nembutsu in Japan has been largely brought to a halt. Because the censures of the Shogunate and the powerful prohibitions of emperors could not put a stop to the teachings of Nembutsu, I wondered what I could do. But, deciding the texts of the sutras to a mirror and grasping the teachings of Tientai and Dengyo, I have attacked these wicked teachings for the seventeen years, from the fifth year of the Kencho era (1253) to the present, the seventh year of the Bun'ei era(1270). And, as may be seen by the evidence before one's eyes, the spread of the Nembutsu in Japan has been largely brought to a halt. 眼前に是見えたり。又口にすてぬ人々はあれども、心計りは念仏は生死をはなるゝ道にはあらざりけると思ふ。 Even though there are people who do not cease chanting the Nembutsu with their mouths, I believe they have come to realize in their hearts that the Nembutsu is not the path by which to free themselves from the sufferings of birth and death. Even though there are people who do not cease chanting the Nembutsu with their mouths, I believe they have come to realize in their minds that the Nembutsu is not the teachings by which to free themselves from the sufferings of birth and death. 禅宗以て是くの如し。 The Zen school likewise is guilty of doctrinal errors. The Zen sect either is the same. 一を以て万を知れ。 By observing one thing, you can surmise ten thousand. By observing one thing, surmise ten thousand. 真言等の諸宗の誤りをだに留めん事、手ににぎりておぼゆるなり。 I can bring an end to the errors of the True Word and all the other schools at will. I can bring an end to the faults of the Shingon and all the other sects at will.
by johsei1129
| 2018-11-20 07:01
全体 御書 INDEX・略歴 WRITING OF NICHIREN 観心本尊抄(御書五大部) 開目抄(御書五大部) 撰時抄(御書五大部) 報恩抄(御書五大部) 立正安国論(御書五大部) 御書十大部(五大部除く) 日蓮正宗総本山大石寺 重要法門(十大部除く) 血脈・相伝・講義 短文御書修正版 御義口伝 日興上人 日寛上人 六巻抄 日寛上人 御書文段 小説 日蓮の生涯 上 小説 日蓮の生涯 中 小説 日蓮の生涯 下 LIFE OF NICHIREN 日蓮正宗関連リンク 南条時光(上野殿) 阿仏房・千日尼 曾谷入道 妙法比丘尼 大田乗明・尼御前 四条金吾・日眼女 富木常忍・尼御前 池上兄弟 弟子・信徒その他への消息 釈尊・鳩摩羅什・日蓮大聖人 日蓮正宗 宗門史 創価破析 草稿 富士宗学要集 法華経28品 並開結 重要御書修正版 検索
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