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2018年 11月 14日

Gosho 末法相応抄  Politic Practices in the Latter Days of Law


Practices in the Latter Days of Law

享保(きょうほう)十年五月上旬 1725, The beginning of May

日寛上人六十歳御作 Nichikan Shonin, Age;60


Priest Nichikan wrote down 'Practices in the Latter Days of the Law’, about the reason why Nichiren Daishonin had a Buddha statue.


Because this time was the beginning of the propagation of one religion, therefore, as first reason, it is thought he used a Buddha statue according to the utility of time.


As the second reason, the whole people of Japan think of an object of worship with Amida. However, the then believer made Shakyamuni Buddha by chance. Why can one not help admiring it?


The third reason is because that statue of Buddha is the three thousand realms in one mind and is the Buddha having intrinsically perfect wisdom really when Saint Nichiren of our sect founder uses it.

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by johsei1129 | 2018-11-14 07:12 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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