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2018年 10月 26日

Gosho 法華経題目抄 The Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra


And yet we find that the women throughout Japan do not chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Instead they put their faith in works such as the Two-Volumed Sutra or the Meditation Sutra, which can never lead women to the pure land or to Buddhahood. They intone the name of the Buddha Amida sixty thousand or a hundred thousand times a day. Amida is indeed the name of a Buddha, and to invoke it would seem to be a laudable practice. But because the women who do so are relying upon sutras that can never lead women to Buddhahood or to rebirth in the pure land, they are in effect merely counting other people's riches.

However, all women of Japan do not chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo but chant the Amida Buddha's name sixty thousand or a hundred thousand times a day aloud, by the Meditation and Amitayurdhyana sutra which do not reveal becoming the Buddha of woman. Because this is an Amida Buddha's name, it is similar skillfully, but she is a woman counting a fortune of the other person in vain. The reason is because she relies to the sutra of not becoming the Buddha and not being beatified.


This comes about solely because they are led astray by evil teachers.

This cause is because she was tempted by the evil friends.


All the women of Japan face an enemy more fearful than tigers or wolves, mountain bandits or pirates at sea, their parents’ foes or their husbands’ concubines.Their real enemies are those who, instead of teaching them the Lotus Sutra, teach them the Nembutsu.

Therefore, it is the enemy of all women of Japan that the person teaches Nembutsu without teaching the Lotus Sutra than an enemy of parents than a prostitute than a bandit pirate than a wolfish villain.

つづく Continued

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by johsei1129 | 2018-10-26 06:59 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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