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2016年 07月 31日

Gosho 諸宗問答抄 Questions and Answers on Various Buddhist Sects


Questions and Answers on Various Buddhist Schools

Questions and Answers on Various Buddhist Sects

建長七年 三十四歳御作

1255 Age: 34)


T’ien-t’ai posits three standards of comparison by which one may determine the relative superiority of the Lotus Sutra and the sutras preached before it.

In order to judge teachings three standards of doctrinal aspects should be considered. By comparing the pre-Lotus Sutra teachings with the Lotus Sutra, the superiority or inferiority of the two is determined.


What then are these three standards of comparison?

One first should ask what the three standards of doctrinal aspects are.


First of the three is that which inquires whether or not people of all capacities can attain Buddhahood through a particular sutra.

The first aspect is whether or not the people’s capacity to understand the Lotus Sutra is demonstrated.


Second is that which inquires whether or not the process of teaching, that is, the process of planting the seed of Buddhahood in people’s lives and finally harvesting its fruit by leading them to Buddhahood, is revealed in full.

The second aspect is whether or not all phases of the Buddha’s teaching from beginning to end [sowing, maturing and harvesting] are clarified.


Third is that which inquires whether the original relationship between teacher and discipleis revealed.

The third aspect is whether or not the relationship between the master and disciples since the inconceivably remote past is revealed.

                     つづく To be continued
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by johsei1129 | 2016-07-31 11:58 | PASSAGE OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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