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2016年 07月 26日

Gosho 一谷入道女房御書 Letter to the Wife of Ichinosawa nyūdō


Letter to the Lay Priest Ichinosawa

Letter to the Wife of Ichinosawa nyūdō


            May 8, 1275 (Age:54)


I may be afool, but, having declared myself to be the envoy of Shakyamuni Buddha and the votary of the Lotus Sutra, it is nothing short of amazing that my words go unheeded.

Although, I, Nichiren, am ignorant, I have proclaimed myself the envoy of Shakyamuni Buddha and the votary of the Lotus Sutra. It is perplexing to me that the authorities of the Kamakura government do not follow [my admonition].


Because of this failure, the nation now faces ruin.

Because of this offense, this country is about to perish.


Not only are my words not heeded, but I have been driven out of province after province, been dragged about, attacked and beaten, and sent into exile, and my disciples have been killed or had their fiefs taken away from them.

Even worse, the authorities persecuted me; they expelled me from several provinces, dragged me out of my house, assaulted me, banished me, killed my disciples, and confiscated the property of my followers.


If someone were to mete out such treatment to an actual messenger of his parents, could that person’s actions possibly be condoned? Yet I, Nichiren, am father and mother to all the people of Japan, I am their sovereign, I am their enlightened teacher!

Nothing good will happen to the people who attacked the envoy of [ the Buddha who serves as] the father and mother, sovereign, and correct teacher for all the people in the country of Japan.


Should they turn against one like me?

You must not go against this.


It is absolutely certain that those who chant the Nembutsu are destined to fall into the hell of incessant suffering.

It is certain that those who chant the Nembutsu will fall into the hell of incessant suffering.

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by johsei1129 | 2016-07-26 22:25 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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