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2019年 03月 21日

Gosho 撰時抄 Selection of Times


If so grave a matter is entrusted to them, then the situation will only worsen rapidly and our country will face destruction.”

If they do, the nation will fall to ruin even more quickly".

“If the Shingon priests pray for a grave matter, this country will face ruin more quickly.”


[Hei no Saemon-no-jō] Yoritsuna then asked, “When do you think the Mongols will attack?”.

Then Yoritsuna asked,When will they attack?".

Yoritsuna then asked, “When do you think the Mongols will attack?”.


I replied,“The sacred scriptures do not indicate the time. But the signs show that heaven is extremely angry. It would appear that the attack is imminent.

I replied,I am unable to read the timing from the sutras, but judging by the signs from the heavens, which show the guardian deities becoming increasingly furious, it will not be long before the Mongols arrive and invade the land.

I replied, “The sutras do not indicate that timing. But the symptoms show that heavens are extremely angry. It would appear that the attack is imminent.


It will probably occur before this year has ended.”

The invasion is likely to happen before the end of this year".

It will certainly occur before this year has ended.”


Yet it was not I, Nichiren, who made these three important pronouncements. Rather it was in all cases the spirit of the Thus Come One Shakyamuni that had taken possession of my body.

These three remonstrations were not made by Nichiren, but by Shakyamuni Buddha, whose soul entered my body.

It is not that I, Nichiren, stated these three important pronouncements. This was because the sacred soul of tathagata Buddha superseded my body.


And having personally experienced this, I am beside myself with joy.

Though these are the personal experience, I myself am full of joy.

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by johsei1129 | 2019-03-21 09:39 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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