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2018年 11月 17日

Gosho 南条兵衛七郎殿御書 The Votary of the Lotus Sutra 3


This year, too, on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, between the hours of the monkey and the cock (around 5:00 p.m.) on the highway called Matsubara in Tōjō in the province of Awa, I was ambushed by several hundred Nembutsu believers and others.

On the eleventh day of the eleventh month of this year, on the main street called Matsubara, in Tōjō in Awa Province, between the hours of the monkey and the rooster, several hundred Nembutsu believers ambushed me.

On the eleventh day of November of this year, on the main street called Matsubara, in Tojo in Awa Province, between the hours of the monkey and the rooster (around 5:00 p.m.), several hundred Nembutsu believers ambushed me.


I was alone except for about ten men accompanying me, only three or four of whom were capable of offering any resistance at all.

At that time, I, Nichiren, was accompanied by approximately ten people, out of whom only three or four were able to fight.

At that time, I, Nichiren, was accompanied by approximately ten people, out of whom only three or four men were able to fight.


Arrows fell on us like rain, and swords descended like lightning.

The arrows poured down on our heads like rain. The slashing swords were as fierce as lightening.

Arrows fell on us as like rain, and swords descended like lightning.


One of my disciples was slain in a matter of a moment, and two others were gravely wounded.

One of my disciples was killed in battle two other followers were severely wounded.

One of my disciples was slain in a moment, and two men of others were gravely wounded.


I myself sustained cuts and blows, and it seemed that I was doomed. Yet, for some reason, my attackers failed to kill me; thus I have survived until now.

Although I was cut by a sword and sustained a beating, for some unknown reason, I was able to escape and I still survive.

Although I, myself, was cut by a sword and was struck, for some unknown reason, the enemy failed to kill me. Thus, I have survived until today.


This has only strengthened my faith in the Lotus Sutra.

This has caused my faith in the Lotus Sutra to grow even more.

This has strengthened my faiths of the Lotus Sutra.

   つづく Continued

by johsei1129 | 2018-11-17 11:11 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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