2015年 10月 01日
其の上此の処は人倫を離れたる山中なり、 This is a mountainous place, remote from all human habitation. This place is deep in the mountains, far removed from any village or hamlet. 東西南北を去りて里もなし、 Not a single village is found in any direction. No dwellings can be seen in any directions. かかる・いと心細き幽窟なれども教主釈尊の一大事の秘法を霊鷲山にして相伝し・日蓮が肉団の胸中に秘して隠し持てり、 Although I live in such a forsaken place, deep in this mortal flesh I preserve the ultimate secret Law inherited from Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, at Eagle Peak. Eve here, in this desolate location, within the mortal flesh of my bosom, I, Nichiren secrete the Ultimate Mystic Law received from Lord Shakyamuni at Eagle Peak. されば日蓮が胸の間は諸仏入定の処なり、舌の上は転法輪の所・喉は誕生の処・口中は正覚の砌なるべし、 My heart is where all Buddhas enter nirvana; my tongue,where they turn the wheel of the Law; my throat, where they are born into this world; and my mouth, where they attain enlightenment. Therefore, my heart is where all Buddhas enter nirvana; my tongue is the place where they preach the law; my throat is the place where they are born, and my mouth is where they attain enlightenment. かかる不思議なる法華経の行者の住処なれば・いかでか霊山浄土に劣るべき、 Because this mountain is where this wondrous votary of the Lotus Sutra dwells, how can it be any less sacred than the pure land of Eagle Peak? Should this mountain, where the most august Votary of the Lotus Sutra resides, be regarded any less highly than the pure land of Eagle Peak? 法妙なるが故に人貴し・人貴きが故に所尊しと申すは是なり、 This is what [The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra means when] it says, “Since the Law is wonderful, the person is worthy of respect; since the person is worthy of respect, the land is sacred.” Because the Law is ineffably supreme, the Person is venerable and because the Person is venerable, the place is sacred.
by johsei1129
| 2015-10-01 21:42
全体 御書 INDEX・略歴 WRITING OF NICHIREN 観心本尊抄(御書五大部) 開目抄(御書五大部) 撰時抄(御書五大部) 報恩抄(御書五大部) 立正安国論(御書五大部) 御書十大部(五大部除く) 日蓮正宗総本山大石寺 重要法門(十大部除く) 血脈・相伝・講義 短文御書修正版 御義口伝 日興上人 日寛上人 六巻抄 日寛上人 御書文段 小説 日蓮の生涯 上 小説 日蓮の生涯 中 小説 日蓮の生涯 下 LIFE OF NICHIREN 日蓮正宗関連リンク 南条時光(上野殿) 阿仏房・千日尼 曾谷入道 妙法比丘尼 大田乗明・尼御前 四条金吾・日眼女 富木常忍・尼御前 池上兄弟 弟子・信徒その他への消息 釈尊・鳩摩羅什・日蓮大聖人 日蓮正宗 宗門史 創価破析 草稿 富士宗学要集 法華経28品 並開結 重要御書修正版 検索
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