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2015年 07月 25日

総勘文抄 三 The Unanimous Declaration3


Outside of the Ten Worlds there is no Buddha, outside ofthe Buddha there are no Ten Worlds. The living beings and their environments are not two things, and one’s self and the land one inhabits are not two things.


Because the phenomenal realm of the ten directions is the body of a single Buddha, it is called the Land of Tranquil Light, and for this reason it represents the ultimate principle that is without marks.


It is separate from the marks of the impermanence of birth and extinction, and therefore it is called “without marks.”


It is the utmost depth of the essential nature of phenomena and the ultimate of profound Buddhist principles and hence it is called the ultimate principle.

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by johsei1129 | 2015-07-25 13:44 | PASSAGE OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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