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2015年 07月 23日

総勘文抄二 The Unanimous Declaration2


The wonder of the Buddha mind and the wonder of the mind of living beings—these two wonders are subsumed within the mind of the individual, and therefore we may say that outside of this mind there is no teaching.


One’s own mind, the mind nature, and the mind entity—these three are the three bodies of the Thus Come One of original enlightenment within one’s own body.


This is what the Lotus Sutra means when it speaks of the three factors, “appearance” (the Thus Come One of the manifested body),“nature” (the Thus Come One of the reward body), and “entity” (the Thus Come One of the Dharma body).


The Thus Come One of original enlightenment marked by these three factors embodies in flesh the phenomenal realm of the ten directions, has for his mind nature the phenomenal realm of the ten directions,and takes on for his appearance and auspicious features the phenomenal realm of the ten directions.


Thus one’s own body becomes the body of the Thus Come One of original enlightenment endowed with the three bodies.


 It pervades and embraces the whole phenomenal world and manifests the functions of a single Buddha. Hence, as the Buddha explained in his preaching, all phenomena are manifestations of the Buddhist Law.


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by johsei1129 | 2015-07-23 22:54 | PASSAGE OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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