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2015年 07月 22日

Gosho 総勘文抄 The Teaching Affirmed by All Buddhas of the Three Existences


The Unanimous Declaration by theBuddhas of the Three Existences regarding the Classification ofthe Teachings and Which Are toBe Abandoned and Which Upheld

The Teaching Affirmed by All Buddhas of the ThreeExistences

弘安二年十月 五十八歳御作

October, 1279 (Age: 58)


The Law that is without distinctions is the wonderful Law of the one vehicle.


 It is the Law that makes no distinctions between good or evil, the Law that preaches that grass and trees, forests,mountains and rivers, the great earth or even one particle of dust all possess within themselves the full Ten Worlds.


 This one vehicle of the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law present in one’s mind pervades all the pure lands of the ten directions without exception.


 The blessings that adorn the living beings and the environment in the pure lands of the ten directions are present within one’s own mind and never depart from it for an instant. This is the Thus Come One of original enlightenment, the three bodies that are a single unity, and outside of this there is no Law.


This single Law exists within the pure lands of the ten directions, and no other Law exists.  


Hence it is called a Law without distinctions.

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by johsei1129 | 2015-07-22 15:24 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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