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2019年 09月 27日

Gosho 御義口伝上 Orally Transmitted teachings on the Lotus Sutra


 These entities or bodies of ours are wiped out, and in this sense it is a phantom city. 

 Our entities or bodies that would die are phantom city.


 That is, if we take this wiping out as a true wiping out or extinction, then our bodies are a phantom city.

 If we take this death as a death or extinction, our wholes are phantom city.


 But if we have the wisdom to see that this wiping out is not a true wiping out or extinction but only an aspect of eternal life, then it is a place of treasure,a treasure land.

 But if have the wisdom that we see this death is in indestructibility, a place of treasure is there.


 This is what the “Life Span” chapter means when it says, “But in truth I do not pass into extinction”.

 The “Life span” chapter preaches this teachings; 'Still in truth I am not reaching into death'.


 To wipe out the concept of wiping out itself is the true wiping out.

 To death of the concept of death itself is the true death.


 Now, when Nichiren and his followers chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, they are revealing that the phantom city is none other than the treasure land.

 Now, when Nichiren and his followers chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, they are revealing that the phantom city is none other than the land of the treasure.


 These mountain valleys and broad plains where we live are all, every one of them, treasure lands of Eternally Tranquil Light.

 All of mountains and valleys and plains where we live are the land of eternally tranquil light.

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by johsei1129 | 2019-09-27 13:20 | WRITING OF NICHIREN | Trackback | Comments(0)

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